Privacy policy

Caljan understands the importance of protecting your personal data. Caljan will not give or sell any information that is collected from our website to any third party, except as required by law. Any and all information received from this site is for the exclusive use of Caljan.
This policy, last updated in November 2023, describes our general privacy practices.

Caljan A/S and registration no. 30205618 is the data controller regarding any personal information about you that we process. We make sure that your information is processed in compliance with the law. We take data protection seriously. To inform you of how we process your personal information, we have adopted this privacy policy.

Contact information
If you wish to get in touch with us about our processing of your personal information, you can get hold of
us at:

Ved Milepælen 6-8, 8361 Hasselager
87 38 78 00

Processing of personal information

Personal information are all types of information that relate to an identifiable person. This privacy policy describes how Caljan A/S processes your information. We will only process information about you when necessary and for a specific purpose. We will always process your information confidentially.


Data Protection 

We have implemented suitable technical and organisational measures to prevent your data from being accidentally or unlawfully deleted, publicised, lost, corrupted, leaked, or misused. We ensure that processing only takes place in adherence with all the principles of data protection.


We keep data up-to-date

As our services depend on our information about you being accurate, we ask that you keep us informed about relevant changes to your information. You can always make use of the contact information above to let us know about any changes. We will update your information accordingly. If we find out that the information about you is incorrect, we will update it and let you know.

Please see below, the legal basis upon which we process your information, for what purpose and for how long we retain it.


Website visitors 

When you visit our website, we process the following personal information about you:
- Unique user ID, number of times a times a user has visited the website, advertisement, URL-
address, tracking the use of embedded services, user behaviour, preferences and interaction with
the website and multiple website tracking

We process personal data about website visitors for the purpose of:
- Personalising ads you see on the website
- Optimising our website to user preferences
- Optimising the running of our website

We process the information on the following legal basis:                                - Consent has been given through our consent form and/or cookie banner, cf. GDPR art. 6(1)(a)

- The legitimate interest of the enterprise, i.e., optimal administration of the website, cf. GDPR art. 6(1)(f).

Personal information on website visitors will be deleted when it is no longer necessary. The time span depends on data character and the basis for storage.


Contact & Service

When you contact us by email, phone, contact form on our website, or by ordinary post, we process the following information about you:                       - Your contact information as well as the contents of your message.

We process this information for the purpose of providing good service and for handling your inquiry.

We process the information on the following legal bases:
- For the performance of providing service under a contract (cf. GDPR art. 6(1)(b))

We retain the information no longer than necessary for our purposes stated above. This is assessed individually for each inquiry based on its content and nature. We will continue to process your information for as long as our correspondence continues. Once correspondence is closed and requires no further action, your information will be deleted.


Provision of goods & services

When we contract to provide our goods/services to you, it is necessary for us to process some personal information about you. This is restricted to ordinary types of information, e.g., name and email for the purpose of delivering on our contract with you (cf. GDPR art. 6(1)(b))

Information collected for this purpose will be deleted once it is no longer necessary for delivering on the contract, unless there are specific reasons to store the information longer, e.g., a warranty period or the
handling of complaints.

Information contained in bookkeeping/accounting materials will be retained for 5 years from the end of the accounting year in which the contract was fulfilled/paid. We are legally required to do so.

Social Media 

When you like and/or follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook, we process the following information about
- The contents of messages you send us
-  Name
The purpose of processing your information is to keep interested followers updated on special offers, new
services/solutions, things to note, relevant cost-effective updates etc.

We process the information on the following legal basis:
- Our interest in marketing as well as in improvement of our page and products (cf. GDPR art. 6(1)(f))

We have joint controllership with LinkedIn with regards to personal information collected about you when you visit our LinkedIn company page.

This means that we must delegate and establish responsibility for your information between LinkedIn and ourselves as regards to ensuring compliance with data protection legislation.

You can find our agreement on joint controllership here:

If you do not have a LinkedIn-profile, information collected about you includes: your unit, location/geodata and information about your activity on LinkedIn and other websites.

If you do have a profile on LinkedIn, information collected about you will also include: information you consented to being collected when you registered your user profile, such as reactions, comments and
shares by you and others. We only receive the information that you send us yourself, e.g., in a comment, a like, or a message. Beyond that, we receive anonymous, statistical information about user engagement from LinkedIn, via
the functionality called LinkedIn Page Analytics. If you wish to have your information deleted with LinkedIn, you must delete your LinkedIn profile. If you delete your profile, it means that your own posts, pictures, and information will be deleted. If you have questions for LinkedIn Page Analytics, please contact LinkedIn directly.


We have joint controllership with Meta with regards to the personal information collected about you when you visit our Facebook company page. This means that we must delegate and establish responsibility for your information between Meta and ourselves as regards to ensuring compliance with data protection legislation.

You can find our agreement on joint controllership here:

Meta uses Insights on Facebook to collect statistics on user activity on the page, among the information collected are: age, gender, relationship status, work, lifestyle, interests, purchases and geolocation. For this purpose, Meta places cookies on your unit, when you visit Facebook. Every cookie contains a unique identifier, which stays active for 2 years unless deleted prior to that date. Meta collects, processes, and saves your personal information with these cookies. We receive aggregated results of the information.

You can read more about Facebook use of cookies here: and here: Politik om cookies | Hjælp til Instagram

We do not pass on any of the information about you that we receive from Meta. Meta may provide your information to third parties. You can read more about this in their Privacy Policy. If you wish to erase your cookies, you can see how in our Cookie-banner, or you can contact Meta.
Meta will process information about you, even if you have no Facebook account. You can read more on that in their Privacy Policy here: Meta’s policy on protection of personal information – How Meta processes and uses Meta userdata



If you apply for a position with us, we will process the information you supply in your application, CV and any other attached documents. We do not need you to send us your CPR-/national ID-no, Photo, Nationality, Gender, Interests, Next of kin, Criminal convictions and offenses, Health information,
Religious beliefs or Racial and ethnic origin (not nationality).

The purpose of collecting information about you in the recruitment process is to evaluate, whether you are a suitable candidate for a position with us.

We process your information based on the following legal bases:
- Our legitimate interest in assessing your qualifications, (cf. GDPR art. 6(1)(f))
- Processing of your CPR-/national ID-no. if you have included it with your application/CV. We only process CPR-/national ID-no. to defend or exercise a legal claim, cf. Danish Data Protection Act § 11, section 2, no. 4, cf. § 7, section 1 & GDPR art. 9(2)(f)

If you send us special categories of personal information, we will process them on the following legal
- Private entities: a legitimate interest, which is both parties’ interest in assessing future
cooperation (cf. GDPR art. 6(1)(f)) and to exercise or defend a legal claim (cf. GDPR art. 9(2)(f))

We retain your application, including attachments, for up to 6 months after the recruitment process has ended, after which your information will be deleted. The purpose of the retention beyond the end of the
process is to safeguard our interests in case of complaints of discrimination, etc. during the recruitment process.

We retain unsolicited applications, including attachments, for up to 6 months after which they are deleted. If we wish to retain your application for longer than that, we will request your consent to do so.

If we find your application relevant for a possible future position, we will retain it only if acquiring your consent (cf. GDPR art. 6(1)(a)).


Transfer of your information 

We use third parties to store and process information. When we use data processors, we make sure to have data processing agreements in place. Thus, they will only process your information on our behalf and will not use the information for their own purposes.

We prioritize data processors from within the EU and from third countries approved by the European Commission with regards to an adequate level of protection of personal data, cf. GDPR art. 45. 

When relevant, your information may be disclosed to other data controllers, e.g., banks, collections, carriers, or the employment agency.

No mobile information will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes. All the above categories exclude text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties.


Transfer of information to third countries

We use data processors in unsafe third countries. When legislation in these third countries does not offer the same protection of personal information as the EU does, we have an increased responsibility to ensure the protection of your information.   

Your personal information may be transferred to recipients in the USA based on the EU-U.S. Data Privacy. Framework or to USA based on the EU Commission’s Standard Contractual Clauses (cf. GDPR art. 46(2)(c)). If you want to know more about the transfer mechanisms that apply to your information, you can contact us for further information and documentation.


Your rights

By contacting us at the contact point at the top, you may:

- Gain insight into the personal information we have about you
- rectify any erroneous personal information
- have your personal information erased
- have the processing of your personal information restricted
- receive a copy of your personal information (data portability) for the purpose of moving it to another data controller
- object to the processing

When you give us your consent for processing, it is voluntary. It will have no consequences for you, if you do not consent, only consent to certain elements, or later withdraw your consent.

Withdrawal of consent can be done at any time to the contact point at the top of the page.

When you contact us, requesting to exercise your abovementioned rights, we will respond within one month. If we cannot honour your request, you will receive an explanation as to why.

In order to exercise your rights, or if you have questions about our processing of your information, you can always contact us. Our contact information is at the top.  

If, after having been in touch, you are dissatisfied with how we process your information, you have the right to file a complaint with Datatilsynet.
