The Caljan ErgoRider is an integrated platform and conveyor belt that revolutionises the loading and unloading of loose-loaded cargo with a Performer telescopic conveyor. It's designed to meet the logistics industry's requirements for good ergonomics, improved operator safety and increased business capacity with one simple, yet powerful solution.
ErgoRider's unique free-hanging concept, backed by over 60 years of parcel handling expertise and scientific studies on the effects of heavy lifting, sets a new standard in efficiency and workplace safety.
The Caljan ErgoRider spans the trailer length without floor support, eliminating obstacles such as bumpy production floors in the terminals, uneven dock levellers, possible obstructions on the trailer floor, and variations in parking and levelling angles of the trailer.
You won't need additional drives on a carriage system, integration of flex-rollers, or separate takeaway conveyors to bring the parcels to the sorting system. Caljan ErgoRider does it all, saving you the cost of buying and maintaining the extra equipment.
By bringing the belt directly to the box with the Express Snoot feature, the ErgoRider ensures optimal positioning, significantly reduces lifting distances and boosts productivity, ensuring that parcels are continuously brought forward, ready for quick and efficient loading.
Contact us today or fill in the form below to download Caljan ErgoRider brochure.