On our way to more sustainable future

As a leading manufacturer of telescopic conveyors, we understand the importance of balancing industrial innovation with responsible environmental stewardship. We recognize the responsibility we have in driving positive environmental, social, and economic impacts. Our commitment to sustainability goes beyond compliance—it’s a core value that shapes our business strategy, innovations, and daily operations.

By embedding sustainability considerations into our company culture and decision-making, we contribute to a more sustainable future. Our approach is driven by a commitment to continuous improvement, transparency, and accountability. Whether it’s reducing carbon emissions and waste in our manufacturing processes or fostering a safe and inclusive workplace, we align our actions with global sustainability goals.

We are dedicated to minimizing our environmental footprint, promoting ethical practices, and creating long-lasting value for all our stakeholders.

By integrating sustainability into our products, operations, and relationships, we aim to build a better future while ensuring the well-being of our employees and partners.

Join us on our sustainability journey as we continue to innovate for a better tomorrow.

2023 Caljan Sustainability Report

2022 Caljan Sustainability Report


At Caljan, we have been aligning our sustainability efforts with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for several years. Below are the key SDGs we focus on, which guide our actions toward creating a positive impact across our operations, innovations, and corporate responsibility initiatives.

Sustainable Development Goals Logo
SDG 7: affordable and clean energy

7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

→ Focus: Energy consumption, energy mix

SDG 8 Decent work and economic growth

8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

→ Focus: Safety campaign and instructions, Code of Conduct

SDG 12 Responsible consumption and production

12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production pattern.

→ Focus: Waste handling and reduction, recycling, renewable energy (100% by 2030), efficiency

SDG 13 Climate action

13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

→ Focus: Education and awareness

Sustainability has become a crucial element of the Caljan DNA. We depict it as a wheel travelling on a journey. As the journey progresses, we pick up momentum, improving step-by-step, year-by-year.

Across our four Caljan divisions; Loading & Unloading, Document Handling & Labelling, Integrated Systems and Aftermarket, we are committed to providing equipment and solutions that are both easy to use and easy to own throughout the lifecycle. The circular economy business model we deploy encompasses sourcing raw materials, extending or upgrading and disposal or recycling.

Henrik Olesen, President & CEO Caljan Group

Caljan ESG Wheel

The Caljan Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Wheel represents the culmination of a collaborative process, drawing on a wealth of ideas and expertise as we work toward a more sustainable future. The spokes of the wheel highlight the key issues we’ve identified as most relevant to focus on. Maintaining balance between the Environmental, Social, and Governance components is essential, reflecting the interconnected nature of sustainability.

Caljan ESG wheel


Energy efficiency, waste reduction, and emissions control are at the forefront of our environmental strategy. ISO certifications across our manufacturing sites play a crucial role in achieving these goals.

In 2021, Caljan obtained ISO 9001:2015 certification in our headquarters in Denmark and our largest production site in Latvia. In 2023, we successfully obtained ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 50001:2018 certifications at both sites, underscoring our commitment to environmental management and energy efficiency.

Our new production facility in Germany, which became operational in 2023, exemplifies our strong focus on sustainability, functionality, and economic efficiency.

Looking ahead, we aim to have our science-based targets validated by the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi), continue on the path of using only 100% renewable energy by 2030, as well as continuously finding ways to reduce the CO2 emissions we are responsible for.

Social responsibility

We are dedicated to fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment, where employees are valued based on their capabilities and contributions. Our commitment to employee well-being is reflected in our focus on occupational health and safety. We continue to enhance our safety culture by providing comprehensive training and safety initiatives to ensure all employees understand and adhere to safety protocols.

We have been achieving significant improvements in safety performance. Lost Time Injuries (LTIs) decreased by 87%, and the overall number of incidents dropped by 78% in 2023. Workplace hazards have also been systematically reported, allowing us to proactively implement safety measures and prevent accidents.

We are also proud to support community initiatives such as SOLVATTEN, which provides clean water to communities in need, aligning our social responsibility efforts with global sustainability goals.


Our governance framework is built on transparency, compliance, and accountability. All policies, procedures, and codes are housed on the Caljan IPW platform, our integrated management system. This platform is accessible to our employees, ensuring that we work as a unified team, aligned with the same goals and following consistent guidelines.

Strategic safety campaigns, combined with systematic reporting on LTIs and hazards, have led to the proactive implementation of preventive safety measures, significantly improving workplace safety.

Our anti-corruption policy is embedded in our Code of Conduct training to ensure ethical practices across all levels of the organization.

Sustainability KPIs

Our KPIs are essential for driving accountability and ensuring continuous improvement. These indicators help us assess whether we are on track to meet our sustainability objectives across the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) pillars. Each KPI is aligned with the relevant ESG category and reflects our commitment to transparent and measurable progress in all areas of sustainability.

Energy consumption, energy mix, CO2 emissions, Environmental certified facilities

1. Energy consumption

Our goal is to reduce consumption by a minimum of 5% annually in relation to net sales. We aim to ensure that we continuously improve our energy efficiency and avoid unnecessary energy consumption.

2. Energy mix

As our operations require quite a bit of energy, we aim to ensure that the electricity we use is clean and renewable. Looking forward, we aim to have electricity sourced from fossil fuel replaced by 100% renewable electricity by 2030.

We aim to reduce scope 1 and 2 emissions by 20% by 2025 and 50% by 2030, using 2021 as base year. Scope 3 goals are still being developed and will be announced in 2024. The ultimate goal is reaching Net Zero in line with SBTi no later than 2050.

4. Environmentally certified facilities

As part of our commitment to more environmentally friendly and sustainable future, Caljan strives to obtain ISO 14001 certification for all production sites with 10+ employees no later than 2025.

Gender ratio, Workplace accidents, Workplace incidents, Code of Conduct

5. Gender ratio

In 2022, 11% of our leaders were women. We aim to increase the representation of women and other non-male leaders to over 20% by 2025, as we understand and appreciate the value in diversity and equality.

6. Workplace accidents

Safety is part of our DNA. In all we do – we prioritize safety. Therefore, we have a Vision Zero regarding Lost Time Injuries (LTI).

7. Workplace incidents

We aim to reduce and prevent work-related accidents by building a strong safety culture focused on potential hazards. We aim to prevent hazards before they turn into accidents and promote continuous improvement.

8. Code of conduct

We strive to ensure all Caljan employees have read and signed our Code of Conduct and ethics policies. All of our strategic suppliers and partners are introduced to, have signed and abide by our Supplier Code of Conduct.

Circularity, Water consumption

9. Circularity

To ultimately achieve our goal of circularity, we aim to use, reduce, reuse, and otherwise recycle all materials in our operations by 2030.

10. Water consumption

Continuously decrease our water consumption. Ensure effective water management and sustainable and responsible water usage.

Caljan is actively working to safeguard our planet. Everyone at Caljan follows Seven Principles of Enduring Quality, Health & Safety and Environmental Sustainability that reflect our absolute commitment to integrity, openness, innovation, respect and teamwork. Our principles are not only colleague-oriented, they extend to the relationship we have with our supply chain and customers too.
